How Should Teenage Boys Save Money on Food?

Ankita Kamat

“How should teenage boys save money on food?” – Are you trying to figure out an answer for this question? If yes, then you will end up saving so much money as a tenager.

Saving money on food as a teenge boy is an effective habit that you can inculcate in life as a young boy. 

I have established a habit of saving money during my pre-teens. So, it was quite easy for me to figure out ways to save money during my teenage.

save money on food- he teen

How should teenage boys save money on food?

Teenage boys should save money on food by paying attention to the habit of eating outside food. When teenge boys consciously observe their spending on junk food save can save more dollars.

In case you’re wondering that , “why do I need to save money on food as a teenage boy” get this – millions across the globe are already saving money and adapting to frugality. 

Do you know that teens spend around 40% of the money on food. The average teen spends $1040 per year to eat outside. This stat should shock you right here.

9 Practical Ways to Save Money on Your Eatables as a Teenage Boy

Let me elaborate on some practical ways to save money on food-

1. Avoid eating outside frequently

If you eat outside food once or twice in a month then that’s all right. But if you have food outside frequently then it’s time to re-think about your food habit. Try to avoid eating outside as much as possible. 

If you continue eating outside food, it will be difficult for you to change your food habit in future. By this, you will spend more money frequently on food. So, establish good habits in your teenage-like living frugally, saving money, having meals at home etc.

You know when you are hungry your temptation increases. You won’t be able to avoid eating outside because of temptation. One should always have a proper breakfast at home before leaving for a school or college.

2. Have home-cooked meals

Having home-cooked meals is the best way to save money on food. I always prefer home-cooked meals. I have established a habit of eating home-cooked meals.

Few of my friends were living in a rented house during school and college days. And they used to cook together. They were liking to cook different types of dishes. This is again a practical good idea.

If you are staying away from your home with your friends, try cooking together. Here you can save a lot of money. Even you can share the expenses of groceries among your friends. This type of simple steps help you to save money in your teenage.

3. Plant your own produce

You may be thinking that planting your own produce is very difficult. But it’s not difficult at all. Well, now don’t think of getting started with rice plants. Just take baby steps. That is all.

What I’m trying to say here is that you don’t need a big farm to create your own produce. Just start with small plant pots at home. Try planting your own products which can be easily produced without much maintenance.

Like tomatoes, potatoes, green chilly etc. This will even help you save money on vegetables. In my house, I have planted tomatoes, green chillies, mint and coriander plants. I haven’t rented a space for it. The plants are growing in my own balcony.

Save money on food as a teenage boys

The images which you are seeing here are the clicks of my home’s garden. In the balcony of my house, we have planted some eatables. The first image is of curry leaves. Daily we need curry leaves (being from south India). The market price of curry leaves is between 10 to 30 INR. I plant them for free. In the second image, you can see another plant which is basale soppu (Malabar Spinach). This is also planted in a small pot at my home. The market price of Malabar spinach is between 30 to 60 INR. I consume it for free. So you see how these simple plants are helping me eat better and save better.

4. Prefer veg more rather than non-veg

Are you vegetarian? If yes, then you are already saving money on food. It’s a good thing to eat non-veg as it provides proteins. But as compared to veg food, non-veg is costlier.

Well, teenage means it’s about beauty conscious and health-conscious. I have seen many teenagers and my cousins, who are health conscious. And beauty conscious. They prefer more non-veg food as they are interested in bodybuilding.

How should teenage boys save money on food (protein-rich)?

So I suggest here, try to eat other veg items which are rich in proteins. And save money on food. You can plan your food. For example- weekly once or twice non-veg. And rest of the days veg items.

Do you know there are other food items also which are rich in proteins and you get them at a lower price? They are- eggs, soya chunks, natural peanut butter, pumpkin seeds etc.

I also include these food items in my diet. Pumpkin seeds are my favourite. You can also try to include these food items in your diet.

5. Avoid wasting food

“Avoid wasting food” is the simple and best answer for how should teenage boys save money on food.  Not wasting food is a practical way to save money on food.

My parents always say- “Don’t waste food”. Sometimes unknowingly we all do mistakes. To be honest, I had a habit of putting everything in my plate, then wasting food. Now I am realising that I should not do like this, now learning to be frugal. I am trying not to waste food.

When it comes to food we all have some particular likes and dislikes. So now what I follow is, first I just take one teaspoon quantity of food. I follow this when I taste something new for the first time. Then I decide whether that particular dish should be there in my plate or not.

Even I suggest you to follow this because this is a part of frugal living.  Somewhere I have read beautiful lines- “Per plate food 10 INR, But if you leave food on the plate then 20 INR” (You have the right to eat, but you don’t have the right to waste the resources). Indirectly wasting food means wasting money.

6. Eat seasonal fruits and veggies

Are you looking for mangoes or mango products in all the seasons? Well, it’s not the right thing to choose food items like this. This is a very costly idea, to choose fruits or veggies like this.

Always pick seasonal fruits and veggies. For example- Oranges in winter. While picking fruits or veggies we also always pick seasonal fruits first. Because during the particular season we can get it easily without spending a lot of money.

7. Take advantages as a student

In my school, there was no canteen facility. But there was a mid-day meal facility. All the students were getting mid-day meal for free of cost. So, you must also be aware of the student facilities and use them.

8. Learn to say ‘no’ to your friends

Here what I mean is, say ‘no’ to spending, say ‘yes’ to save’. I can understand that you can’t say ‘no’ when your best buddy says -“Bro, come let’s have some food outside”. This results in spending money on food frequently.

I am aware of how these teenage mind works:) If your female friends ask you treat or ask you out for food. Then I am 100 % sure you won’t say ‘no’ to them. Instead, you will take them to a good restaurant. You end up paying all the bills every time.

So, learn to say ‘no’ to your friend politely. You do not need to give treat to all of your friends on every occasion.

How should teenage boys save money on food?

9. Celebrate your birthday at home

Birthday means it’s a special day for all of us. Who does not like to celebrate birthday in teenage? Everyone likes celebrations, sweets, cake, yummy food.  We all want to celebrate birthday and want to enjoy.

I am not against celebration, but I think here also we should apply frugality. Instead of going outside and celebrating your birthday you can celebrate it at your home. Bake a cake and cook a variety of yummy food at your own home by taking help of your parents and siblings. Invite your friends to your house.

If you celebrate your birthday outside then you will end up spending a lot of money on food. Do not overindulge in celebrating your birthday. Keep things simple and enjoyable. Always think twice before spending too much money on your birthday. 

One more additional information I want to share with you. Recently I have heard that some restaurants arrange freebies for birthday. You can have free food in that particular restaurant on your birthday. You can find out such restaurant and register your name.

How should teenage boys save money on food?- This question should not be a burden for you. Take one step at a time. Implement simple practical ways to save money.

Ankita Kamat

I'm Ankita Kamat, the creator of Frugal Beat, a blog dedicated to frugal living. Join me in exploring practical ways to save money, reduce waste and live a purposeful life. Let's embrace frugality as a lifestyle together.